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British Values & our value for the month

To further support our School Values and our promotion of 'British Values',  we think about and celebrate one of our 22 values each month, often linking them with different events and festivals, both locally and around the world.

We look at the value in assembly and in class and we aim to ‘live’ that value in the way we work with others in school.

In May 2024 our value is... Trust

Learning about Trust

In school, we have explained to the children that trust is a feeling that somebody or something can be relied upon, or will turn out to be good. It is the feeling of being sure about something, even if it cannot be proved. Being trustworthy is acting in a sensible, grown up way, so others think they can rely on you.

We are asking parents/carers at home to send in a note if they think their child has demonstrated trust, describing how they showed this value.  We will celebrate some of their achievements in assembly (if they are happy with this).  Examples of trust might be:

  • Taking on a job or responsibility and being very reliable in carrying it out.

  • Being very honest and dependable.

  • Showing they trust in others to do things in the certain knowledge that it will happen.

What people have said about trust:

Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement. Golda Meir

Trust yourself, you know more than you think you do. Benjamin Spock

Trust takes years to build, seconds to break and forever to repair. Unknown

The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them. Ernest Hemingway

Trust starts with truth and ends with truth. Santosh Kalwar