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Year 2 Visit to Whipsnade Zoo

"I leaned that the corn snake likes to eat mice in the county of America"

Year 2 had a great day at Whipsnade Zoo today where the children had the opportunity add to their learning about African wildlife and the science of animal habitats.  

"My favourite thing at Whipsnade Zoo was the cheetah because I like that they go really fast in Africa, I also leaned that the corn snake likes to eat mice in the county of America" 

"I liked the sea lions, because they clapped their flippers, and the elephants because they have such long trunks."





We had lovely weather and we would like to thank all the parents who helped with this trip. Also, a big thank you to the year 2 team for organising such an enjoyable day and to the children for being so well behaved. 

Please view further photos from this trip in our Year 2 Whipsnade Zoo photo gallery.