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Final End of Term Thoughts and Farewells

Best wishes to all that are leaving us today!

Today, we had our end of year assembly. It was a chance to reflect on all that the children have achieved this year. It gave us an opportunity to say goodbye to Mrs Ambrose, Mr Blacklock and Mrs Garner and to say a big thank you for the contribution they have made during their time at The Firs.  They will be greatly missed and we wish them every success with their new ventures. 

As the summer term draws to an end, we would like to take this opportunity to say goodbye and to offer our very best wishes to all the children in Year 4. They have worked very hard and had a very successful year and we hope they all make a very happy start in their new school in September.

Best wishes to all our Year 4 pupils.

We would also like to say a big thank you to all our parents, for their strong support over the last academic year. We hope that all our parents and children have a very enjoyable summer break and we look forward to welcoming you all back to The Firs on Wednesday 5th September.

Message from the Chair of Governors – Gareth Jones

On this final day of the year, I wanted to reflect on the last year at The Firs.  We welcomed a number of new staff members last September and soon the whole team was thrown into the deep end, with an Ofsted inspection.  And it was a great start to the year with a very positive Ofsted report.  A huge well done to Mr Campbell and the team.  I was particularly impressed when the inspector highlighted that the staff team and pupils continually demonstrated the school motto of ‘Working together to achieve our best’.  As a Governing Body we cannot ask any more from the team.  The staff have not rested on their laurels either and this has been proven with the best results in each group that the school has achieved in recent years.   

We have now had a full year running the Saplings and we look forward to our new Pre-School Building being ready to use in early 2019.

The Governors would like to thank the SLT, the staff and the pupils for all their hard work over the last year.  I would also like to thank the parents for all their continued support.  We have a fantastic PTA, who continually fundraise and support the school.   I am also amazed at lots of other support.  An example of this is the Firs Football club, with all years running teams and totally supported and funded by pupil parents and carers. It makes for a great community spirit and I am sure there are many more examples of this across the school.

Finally, a number of the team leave the school today and we wish them huge success for the future.  The same goes for our year 4 leavers – good luck!

Have a wonderful summer and see you in September.