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Year 2 Visit to Ampthill Great Park

In Support of Kew Gardens Millennium Seed Bank

The year 2 children enjoyed their recent visits to Ampthill Great Park which provided a lovely opportunity for them to increase their knowledge of the natural world. 



They had a great time collecting a variety of seeds to put in their buckets.  They were of course, fascinated to find Beech and Cedar seeds!  The seeds are being sent to Kew Gardens to make a contribution to their Millennium seed bank archive. 

Within the vaults of the Millennium Seed Bank is the Seed Collection, which represents the greatest concentration of living seed-plant diversity on earth. The bank is a global resource for conservation and sustainable use of plants.



Thank you to Mrs Ware who organised this visit as part of the children’s Forest Schools work and to the Year 2 team and other staff who helped on the days.

A selection of photos from this experience can be viewed in our Photo Gallery.