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Year 4 Bikeability

Getting Ready for the Grafham 10 Mile Bike Ride

All our Year 4 children took part in Bikeability last week, which ran over 3 days to ensure that all the children in Year 4 were confident and safe riding a bike.  This is something that takes place every year for children in Y4, before their residential trip to Grafham Water takes place.  All the children have been issued with their certificates and we would like to thank you for ensuring that your child was equipped with their bike, including warm clothes on the day. 

The Bikeability instructor commented that all our children were impeccably well behaved, listened well and made a really good effort.  We would like to say a big well done to everyone in Oak and Willow, we are very proud of you. 

A few further photos can be found in our Photo Gallery.