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Christmas Assembly

End of Term Thoughts

Christmas Assembly

Today, Father Christmas made an appearance during our Christmas assembly and delivered lots of presents to all the classes. The assembly ended with the staff and children dancing to ‘I wish it could be Christmas every day’.  The children were very excited and then went back to class to enjoy opening their presents.

The Firs School Choir


Thank you Santa


End of Term Thoughts

We have come to the end of another busy term and the staff would like to take this opportunity to thank all the parents for their help and support.

All the children have enjoyed a variety of festive activities in the last few weeks.  They have taken great pleasure in watching each other’s Christmas concerts and there have been very enjoyable Christmas parties for everyone this week. Again, the PTA organised an outside provider for the Christmas pantomime which took place on Friday 7th December and all the children thoroughly enjoyed this. They also kindly paid for an entertainer who visited The Saplings on Wednesday 12th December which the children and parents really enjoyed. This is a time when we can reflect on the many adults who make a huge contribution to life at The Firs and we thought about this and thanked them for their contributions in assembly.


Finally, and on behalf of all the staff and Governors I would like to wish you all a very enjoyable Christmas and Happy New year.  We look forward to seeing all the children back in school on Thursday 3rd January.