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Year 4 Preparations in Forest Schools

In readiness for the RSPB National bird watch

Year 4 have enjoyed taking part in a variety of forest school activities this year. They have made their own ink using juice from various berries and then used feathers to try out different writing styles. 
We made bird feeders which we hung in the garden at school, hoping to encourage birds to visit our school grounds. This was in readiness for the RSPB National bird watch. 

Hanging out our bird feeders


Creating a bird hide ready for bird watch


Creating our own Ink from berries



To help us spot as many birds as possible we made our own bird hides using tarps, rope and ground pegs.
All the children designed their own hides, working in small teams to over come any difficulties they may have come across.
They really enjoyed taking part in this activity and were successful in spotting some of our native birds.

We finished our sessions with a fire. Everyone helped to load the fire, which for some children was their first experience of being that close to a living flame.



We discussed the fire triangle and as a reward for their brilliant behaviour and hard work, they enjoyed toasting marshmallows and drinking hot chocolate or hot squash. 

A very good time was had by all! 

Please visit our Photo Gallery for further pictures.