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Firs Fun Run

A huge thank you to our PTA for organising another successful event!

The Firs PTA Fun Run took place last Friday, 14th June and was a hugely successful and enjoyable occasion. It was lovely to see so many of our children, parents and staff supporting this event and the weather was so kind to us. 

The children did fantastically well, running sponsored laps around the sports field, many children running more than 30 laps!




When not running, the children had many stalls to visit, using their Fun Run passport to collect stamps as they went around. The Hook a Duck and Splat the Rat proved to be very popular, along with Decorate a Biscuit, Guess the Baby Photo, Guess the number of Sweets and Goals Scored in a Minute, each stall being run by teachers and their year group teams. We mustn’t forget Mr. Campbell, who ran a ‘Lucky Bucket’ competition, put 50p in to enter and the winner took home half the contents of the bucket. 




Further stalls were being run by parents, the tombola and face painting always drawing a crowd, and the dads BBQ and bar proved to be a huge success!



A party atmosphere was set by Backpocket, a local band of Redborne students who will also be opening the Amp Rocks Festival in July. To close the Fun Run we were treated to a rather ‘cheeky’ show by a local children’s entertainer who had all the children and adults laughing and thoroughly enjoying his antics.  



A huge thank you to Dan Maskill, Jo Freeman and the PTA team, for working together to create such a super event, to Deborah Rogers for helping organise some of the stalls that our staff ran on the evening and to all the staff and parents who helped on the night.

Congratulations must go to all the Year 3 children! As they had a very respectable squad of 30 competing in the Fun Run laps, they have won a very special treat, their reward for best turn out on the sports field is to have a dress down day on Friday 28th June! Well done year 3!

Please visit our Firs Fun Run Photo Gallery for further pictures from this event.