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Sports Day at The Firs

Sunshine and Smiles, KS1 and KS2 enjoy a variety of sports and challenges

KS2 had their sports day on 27th June and sports day for KS1 took place Friday 5th July.  For both days, the weather was beautiful and all the children did so well participating in the many events which Miss Hill organised. 

All children took part in sprint races, endurance skipping, howler throw and long jump with a rest period in between to stretch. 

KS2 Sprint


KS1 Long Jump


Stretching with Mrs Haxell



The KS1 children also competed in a traditional sack race and the bean bag throw, with KS2 children running the hurdles and being timed in the speed bounce.

KS2 Speed Bounce


KS1 Sack Race
KS2 Hurdles


KS1 Bean Bag Throw


The winning teams were awarded certificates and Bronze, Silver and Gold medals were given to individual year group winners. 

KS1 Sports Day Winning Team


KS2 Sports Day Winning Team


We would like to thank all the parents, carers, grandparents, aunties and uncles who came to support the children on the day and to Miss Hill for all her hard work organising both events

Photo Galleries for both events can be found in our News and Galleries Section, along with all our other Albums from this school year, please take a minute to have a browse.