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Extreme Reading Challenge

Just proving it's cool to read anywhere!

We are passionate about reading at The Firs and in March on World Book Day we set a challenge for all our pupils. We wanted to know where the most interesting place a child has ever read a book is?! Whether it is up a tree or on top of a mountain, we asked for their photos!

The challenge was eagerly accepted by our pupils and many had a picture taken of themselves reading somewhere extreme and quite extraordinary, bringing their evidence into school.

Thank you to all the fantastic entrants to our Extreme Reading Challenge, our display now takes pride of place in the school hall for all to see.

We had many amazing entries, from sitting in dentist chairs, in car boots, and on the roof of a house!

However, well done goes to our challenge winner, reading about Pompeii whilst standing at the peak of Mount Vesuvius, extreme reading at its finest!!

Our Photo Gallery hosts a selection of our other Extreme Readers, please take a few minutes to have a browse.