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Gala Day Parade

Ampthill’s Greatest Show

The Firs Lower School was thrilled to be taking part again in the Ampthill Gala Parade, which is part of the Ampthill Festival weekend held on Sunday 7Th July.

This year’s theme was Ampthill’s Greatest Show, and The Firs PTA chose to join the parade as ‘The Greatest Show of Nature’. To complete their vision each year group was encouraged to dress as the following:


  • Saplings Pre-school: Bees
  • Year R: Caterpillars and Butterflies
  • Years 1&2: Flowers and Venus Fly Traps
  • Years 3&4: Birds of Prey/Parrots/Peacocks


The general look was to be bright colours, vibrant flowers and exotic birds showing off the very best of nature!

Mr Campbell was tasked with the responsibility of leading the parade as an explorer!



The PTA worked tirelessly, planning and preparing, holding crafts sessions at the weekend, so that pupils could make their outfits. The teaching staff also supported their efforts holding craft sessions during school time.




We are thrilled to announce that all the hard work of our PTA, Mrs. Rogers, teaching staff and pupils paid off and we were awarded with 1st Prize on Gala day!

To add to our excitement on the day, we were delighted to hear that one of our pupils won the Ampthill Great Park Design a Mascot competition and was presented with his award by the Mayor of Ampthill. “The Firs is on a roll!” Declared the Mayor.



This is a superb opportunity and an amazing achievement. The winning entry will be brought to life by a professional illustrator and our winner will see their design being used for promotional purposes at family events and activities within the park. Well done!!


To complete our Gala day, we held a Firs Lower stall, to offer rest bite on such a hot day. Families joined us for playdough fun, bookmark designing and bug hotel making, which proved to be very popular.



Thank you to all that visited us on Gala day, it was lovely to see so many Firs families at this annual event, and the Gala itself turned out to be The Greatest Show.