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Year 3 Ancient Egyptian Day

'History off the Page' take our pupils back to 1300BC

On Thursday 17th October, Year 3 had ‘History off the Page’ in the school hall for their Ancient Egyptian Day. Through role-play, children experienced life as it would have been in 1330 B.C. The Pharaoh at the time was Akhenaten and his wife, Nefertiti, who left Thebes to set up a new city to worship the Sun God, Aten.

Our children used authentic tools and materials whenever possible to learn skills as apprentices in a wide variety of workshops eg. lamp workers, embalmers, stone carvers, scribes, bread makers, tomb painters, amulet  makers and  potters.



As the day progressed, the children got involved in the issues of the time, with the chance to participate in a range of cross-curricular activities, including preparing entertainment for the Royal Banquet celebrations. There was also a story-telling session.




By the end of the day, the children had  a really good idea of how it felt to be an Egyptian at this time, a selection of photos from this event can be viewed in our photo gallery.

We would like to thank the parents who dressed up and took part in the day – your help was greatly appreciated and it would not have been able to take place without you. Thank you to the Y3 Team for organising such a successful ‘wow’ event!