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KS2 County Dance Competition

 Judge's feedback, "They tried really hard and performed beautifully as a group."

On Monday, 2nd March, Miss Hill and Mrs Ashby accompanied nine children from Year 3 and Year 4 to participate in a KS2 County Dance Competition, held at Bedford University.The Firs Troupe had been invited after their successful performance at The Redborne School Sports Dance Festival in the Autumn.


Once again they delivered a very moving piece to the tune 'Somewhere Only We Know', by Keane, which was choreographed by Miss Hill, their piece being based around the theme of anti-bullying. 

The children all performed really well in front of a panel of judges and an audience made up from sixteen other KS2 schools, competing against dance groups with an age range of 8 years old to 12 years old. 


They thoroughly enjoyed the experience this opportunity offered  and were rewarded with high praise, a resounding round of applause from the audience and  judges' feedback, ‘They tried really hard and performed beautifully as a group.’

“Even though we felt like the youngest in the competition, we worked really hard as a team and did really well. I enjoyed the experience and I liked the style of our dance and the song. I felt our dance was different to the others and I enjoyed watching all the children from other schools. It was a great morning!” MP, Year 3



Please view our video from this special event.

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“I really enjoyed the competition and was fantastic seeing all the dances from other schools. I liked our dance and it was different as it was a slower dance. We worked really well as a team and supported each other. I would 100% like to do it again!” HC, Year 4