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Firs Value of The Month

For September, our value of the month is Peace

At school, we have talked to the children about demonstrating peace through positive thoughts about themselves and others.  We have discussed how peace is about getting along, being sympathetic to another person’s viewpoint and understanding that their own behaviour has an effect on the behaviour of others.  Sometimes they may need to ask for adult help to bring a peaceful situation about.

We are asking parents/carers at home to send in a note if they think their child has engaged with this month’s value – peace.  We will celebrate some of their achievements in assembly (if they are happy with this).  Examples might be:

  • Demonstrating a willingness to resolve a disagreement by talking and listening.
  • Asking for help to resolve a conflict if need be.
  • Admitting when they did wrong.
  • Being able to take turns so that everyone is happy.
  • Showing respect, not just for people, but for animals and the environment.