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Santa Challenge

Cycle, Scoot or Stride to Santa in Lapland

Monday 30th November to Friday 11th December 2020

At The Firs, we have joined the Sustrans's SANTA CHALLENGE, a virtual Christmas trip to Lapland.

A challenge has been set for all pupils of the school to join in the virtual trip which gives everyone a focus of arriving in Lapland before Christmas. The virtual journey from Bedfordshire is 2,050 miles. The more people who join in, the quicker we will arrive at Lapland.


The main prize is a scooter set for one lucky participating school, hopefully The Firs, which we would be able to use as part of PE for the benefit of both the school and our pupils.

So what is that?

This virtual race is where children and parents walk, scoot or cycle to school. Each time a child or parent travels actively, they will be credited with one mile. These miles will be used to map the school’s journey to Lapland. Sustrans will be adding up all of the miles completed by the schools taking part in Bedfordshire to see whether we can reach our goal of arriving at Lapland.

Why now?

Sustrans would like to encourage as many children as possible to travel actively to school. As we get nearer to Christmas we thought it would be great opportunity to keep everyone walking, biking and scooting. While the weather is getting colder and the days shorter, we believe there are still opportunities to be bright and stay safe when wheeling or on foot.

Being active can warm us up and cheer us up. We understand this is not always an option for those travelling long distances. The competition is open to as many as possible, and will include Park and Stride or Park and Scoot as an option.

We look forward to seeing how far the school can cycle, scoot and walk during the two weeks of the competition.