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Another Change in Leadership at The Firs

A busy, but fun day under the guidance of our new 'Head for a Day'

Congratulations to our second 'Head for a Day' winner, who had a very busy day making sure we were all working hard, our well-being was taken care of, and the school was safe and well-kept.

He began his day by meeting the children at the school gate with a warm welcome, then led our Monday morning Merit assembly, congratulating the many children who had been awarded for their positive attitudes and great learning.

"Good Morning Head Teacher"


Presenting Merits in Assembly


Our Head then toured the school, visiting each class to ensure we were all working hard at our learning, before taking on the challenge of a playtime duty.

Visiting Year 1


Visiting Year 2


Visiting Year 3


A very busy and varied day was planned for our head so that he would have a broad experience, he helped the office staff with quite a few tasks, as well as making them a lovely and much needed cup of tea!

Three 'toots' for end of playtime


Room for Improvement!


He checked and prepared invoices for payment, installed our new school banner advertising our Open Days, which we will be holding in July, and also went on a health and safety inspection with our Premises Manager Mr Lees.

Invoice Preparation


Installing our New Banner


Unfortunately, this new head didn't offer staff a pay rise, but I can confirm he makes a lovely cup of tea and left cakes for all in the staff room, thank you, they were delicious!

Our 'Head for a Day' did a fantastic job and seemed to enjoy his experience, noting that signing documents was a lot harder than stamping them

To complete his day, he was presented with a selection of photos along with a certificate to mark his achievement as a great head teacher and to capture some lovely memories of the occasion.

Finishing the day in his Headteachers Office


Well done 'Head for a Day', you worked very hard work, and made it a fun day for all involved!