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School Council Elections, Autumn 2022

Today was Election Day at The Firs!

Today our school hall was set up as a polling station, complete with our very own voting booth. A selection of year 4 children took turns to act as either Presiding Officer or Poll Clerk, as each class came in to the hall to cast their votes for their class representatives on this year's school council. 



Over the week, teachers had talked to all our children, Year 1 - Year 4, inviting them to put themselves forward to be a school council representative for their class, completing a nomination form.  

Any child who wanted to be considered was given an opportunity, using their completed nomination form, to talk to their class briefly about why they should vote for them.


We are looking to use the process of selecting representatives for the Council to show children the way a democratic process works, supporting one of our 22 school values.

For now, the votes are in, and in the process of being counted. Good luck everyone!