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A Very Christmassey Last Day of Term

Last Day of Term was fully festive, with everyone celebrating the end of a long term and fundraising for Save the Children

Final Assembly and Father Christmas Visits The Firs!

Today we held our final assembly, including our traditional rendition of The 12 Days Of Christmas, children choosing a member of staff to hold each of the picture cards for each line.




After this Father Christmas made an appearance and delivered lots of presents to all the classes. The children were very excited and then went back to class to enjoy opening their presents.

Christmas Jumper Day at The Firs

Our last day of term was also our Christmas Jumper Day, raising much needed funds for 'Save the Children'.

All our staff and pupils had their festive jumpers on, some bought for the day, but many were homemade festive creations, and together we put on a colourful display.

We all had a lovely day wearing our Christmas Jumpers really contributed to the fun of such a special day!

YR, Acorns & Conkers
Y2 Cedar Class


Y1 Maple Class
Y2 Beech Class
Y4 Oak Class


Y1 Holly Class
Y3 Hazel Class


Y3 Elm Class


Y4 Willow Class


It is not too late if you want to make your donation, either through our Just Giving link below, or our QR Code on the right.

The Firs Lower Christmas Jumper Fundraising

We will update with funds raised as soon as we know. 

*All donations this year will be matched by the UK government!* 

Thank you to everyone for your support. 

Christmas Lunch

Our children really enjoyed their Christmas lunch, with our staff serving them as they waited at their tables.

We had Christmas music playing in the background, and children bursting into song as they had their lunch, creating such a lovely atmosphere. 


Our Kitchen team, led by our Kitchen Manger Hannah Howlett produced a fantastic festive lunch which everyone enjoyed, thank you to them for all their hard work.


End of Term Thoughts

We have come to the end of another busy term and the staff would like to take this opportunity to thank all the parents / carers for their help and support.

All the children have worked so hard all term and it is lovely that they have enjoyed a variety of festive activities in the last few weeks. 

They have taken great pleasure in watching each other’s Christmas concerts and there have been very enjoyable Christmas parties for everyone this week.

This is a time when we can reflect on the many adults who make a huge contribution to life at The Firs and we thought about this and thanked them for their contributions in assembly.


Finally, and on behalf of all the staff and Governors I would like to wish you all a very enjoyable Christmas and Happy New year.  We look forward to seeing all the children back in school on Wednesday 4th January.