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The Firs Way

Developing a school community and belonging is very important to us all at The Firs.

We are developing our school values and what it means to be part of The Firs Lower School. We value friendship, care and love, collaborating together to develop a community that is built on respect and being responsible for ourselves and our school.

We believe that it is important to catch everyone doing their best and celebrate the efforts that we can all make to ensure that your school is the best place to be. The Firs Way builds on the idea that we can all work together to be good role models, be thoughtful and follow our school values.

To recognise these efforts, we have introduced The Firs Way tree to our reception area. Any member of the Firs School community can be nominated for a leaf for the tree. The leaf recognises how the child or adult has followed ‘The Firs way…’ and this is also celebrated in assembly.

Nominations can be made from both adults and children.

Already in the first week we have had 45 nominations for a ‘Firs way…’ leaf with fantastic efforts in being kind, being respectful, using growth mind-set, and being collaborative and patient. We have had a great start to the school year and making positive steps along the ‘Firs way….’