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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3

The children have already made a great start to the year. We very much look forward to working with you and your children over the rest of the year.

We hope that the following information will be helpful:

Mrs Everett
Elm Class
Mrs Cameli
Elm Class
Mr Lacey
Hazel Class


Mr Lacey (Hazel Class Teacher)

Mrs Lacey (Hazel Class Tuesday pm)

Mrs Everett (Elm Class Teacher Tue-Fri)

Mrs Cameli (Elm Class Teacher Mon)

Mrs Baker (Elm Class Tuesday pm)

Mrs McMillian (1:1 Support Hazel Class)

Mrs Eddy (Maths Support)


We want to work in partnership with parents and you are welcome to email us on the email addresses below if you have any questions or concerns. Please also email to communicate any appointments and changes to collection arrangements etc. For anything urgent please contact the school office. 

Mr Lacey -

Mrs Everett -


Your child’s reading has been assessed through our Accelerated Reader programme and your child’s current level has been written in their fish book. Children are able to pick appropriate books from the classroom to read both in school and at home. When children have finished a book and are confident they have understood what they have read they can complete a quiz in school. We would like the children to aim to complete 1 quiz each week. We suggest that your child reads for 15-20 minutes, 3 times a week independently. Once a week please read with them to practise expression and comprehension skills. 

Please could the children bring their communication book (Fish Book) and reading book into school everyday.


PE lessons this year for each class are as follows:

Hazel - Monday & Friday

Elm - Tuesday & Friday

The children come to school dressed in PE kit on these days. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather as most PE sessions will be taking place outside. Could you please ensure that any long hair is tied back and earrings are removed.


Homework will be assigned via Google Classroom. At the beginning of each half term there will be enough tasks uploaded for your child to complete 1 per week. Your child will be provided with a Green Learning Log to complete their work if they would like. It would be great if pictures of all work could be uploaded to the Google Classroom for the teacher to see and comment on. 

Children will be awarded Dojo points for completed work. 

We also encourage the children to use TT Rockstars once a week to support their times tables knowledge. Their logins can be found in the front of their fish book.


Your Child’s spelling knowledge has been assessed and their relevant spellings will be uploaded to the Google Classroom weekly. The children can use the Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check sheet provided to practise them or use their Green Learning Log to practise them in other ways such as writing them in a sentence or mini tests. Instead of traditional weekly spelling tests, your child will be tested on the whole set of the Common Exception Words once they have practised all of them. This will usually be at the end of each half term.

Art & DT

During Art and DT sessions the children will often engage in messy activities therefore could you please provide your child with an old / named art shirt, to be left in school for these occasions.
The Year 3 Team