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Google Classroom & Remote Learning

This page is to give parents help in the use of Google Classroom at home to support children's learning.

Google Classroom is a free and secure learning network for teachers, children and parents. It provides a safe way for us to connect, share classwork, access homework, participate in discussions and receive class information.

Using Google Classroom allows you and your child to have access to work at any time through the Internet and is accessible online and through any mobile devices with Internet capabilities - including iPhone, iPad and Android devices. Additionally, the use of Classroom will help keep children and parents informed of work that is set and the dates it is due. Google Classroom is also useful to check on work missed when absent and to ask questions about assignments.

GC Overview Page (See ‘Get Started With Classroom’ video)

Google Overview of GC Doc

Google Classroom is used as an educational tool and will be used strictly for educational purposes. Guidelines for using Google Classroom are as follows:

  • Classroom is a very safe application as all weblinks used will be preset by the teacher. However, we will be reminding all the children about safe Internet use, and we will be sending home a reminder sheet for home use in due course.

  • Children will be required to use appropriate grammar instead of texting language.

  • The site will be used to work on and discuss school-related content only.

Your child has an email address and password. The email and password should have come home stuck to a letter about GC. In addition your child's class teacher has the details and there should be a copy in their Home School Record Book (Fish Book!) for children Y1-Y4.

To access Google Classroom:

  1. Go to

  2. (If you are already signed in, on the sign in screen, click ‘Choose another account’)

  3. Login with your child’s Firs email address

  4. Use the password we have created for this account, when it asks for the password

Please don’t alter any settings or change passwords while logged into Google Classroom. If you misplace the address or password, don't worry just email the school office or ask you child’s teacher, and we will be happy to help.

In this video Using Google Classroom Miss Hamilton (Hazel Class teacher) explains how to use GC to access children's work. We hope you find it useful. There is also an instruction sheet for parents below and our plan from the delivery of remote learning at The Firs.