Foundation Subjects
The Foundation Subjects are history, geography, physical education (PE), design technology (DT), art and design, music, computing, modern foreign language (MFL - French) and personal social health and relationships education (PSHRE).
Religious education (RE) is also a fundamental (and statutory) part of our curriculum and is included here.
By clicking on the links that appear on the left of this page, you can read a statement that sets out the thinking behind our curriculum design (intent), the way we set about delivering the subject (implementation) and the way we measure the outcomes for children (Impact).
To find out more about the way we approached the design of our curriculum, as set out in our Scheme of Work, please visit the SoW page on our website.
To find out what is being taught each term in the foundation subjects, see the 'What Are We Learning Sheet' produced each term. These can be found as downloadable pdfs on the page for each year group, in the list of tabs in the top left-hand corner of the 'Our Learning' page. You can also use the year group page links below: