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How do we meet the needs of our children at The Firs?

Support in class and additional interventions

The Firs is an inclusive school community and we strive to provide high quality teaching and support throughout the school.

Quality First Teaching provides a broad and balanced curriculum, along with Adaptive teaching provision to motivate and meet the needs of our children.

We may find that a child needs additional help if concerns are raised by a parent or carer, if a child is making limited progress or if there is a change in their rate of progress or access to the curriculum.

Following a cycle of Assess, Plan, Do, and Review we are able to identify the needs of the child and plan for additional support that will enable them to make the best possible progress, accessthe curriculum and achieve their potential.


If a child is identified as having SEND, we will provide support that is ‘additional to’ or ‘different from’ the differentiated approaches normally provided as part of our Quality First Teaching.

The SENDCo oversees all support and progress of the children with SEND within the school, following the Central Bedfordshire graduated response to providing additional support for pupils with SEND. The class teachers and/or learning support assistants will oversee, plan and work with each child with SEND to ensure progress is made in all areas.

Children may receive individual or small group intervention dependent upon their needs.

By placing the child at the centre of any support provision, and through regular communication with parents and carers at all stages, ensures that the child’s needs are met and the child has every opportunity to thrive.

What could this additional support look like at The Firs?