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School Meals

Caterlink is our schools meal provider and we have been very impressed by the quality of food Caterlink provide, each day a choice of two meals are freshly prepared on site and there is also a salad and fruit platter daily with lots of choice. Menus are sent at the start of each term but if you haven’t got one, please pop into the office or download from below.

Schools meals payment information –

Year R, Year 1 and Year 2 pupils are eligible for Universal Free School Meals.

For Saplings Preschool, Year 3 and Year 4 pupils the current charge for a school meal is £2.53 per day, from 4th January 2023.

Meals must be pre-booked through ParentPay or, if an adhoc meal, payment is to made by the morning on the day the meal is to be taken. Our caterers, Caterlink, run a cashless till system, therefore cash can not be used to make payment for school meals.


Please see below for a downloadable copy of this term's menu, along with some guidance to assist with pre-booking a meal.