The Firs' Scheme of Work
Our Firs' Scheme of Work sets out the learning in science and all the foundation subjects (history, geography, art and design, music, design technology, computing, physical education, PSHRE (personal, social and health and relationships education) and French). It also details learning in religious education.
Creating the Firs' Scheme of Work
In creating the scheme of work, we reviewed the design of our curriculum in these areas and looked at a range of aspects that we wanted as the key drivers behind the makeup of our curriculum e.g.
What we wanted to develop a ‘Firs’ Mindset’ (which we defined as the values and approaches to life we wanted our children to live by and hold to).
The knowledge and skills we wished to develop in addition to those set out in the National Curriculum.
The gaps in children’s knowledge, skills or awareness that we perceived, associated with the context of our local environment, location or general pupil characteristics.
Our understanding of what ‘Cultural Capital’ meant to us at The Firs and in each year group, how we could give children the chance to experience it.
For example, when we thought about a 'Firs' Mindset', we prioritised the following 20 aspects:
Caring and thoughtful
A belief in equality for all
Tolerant of other faiths, ways of life and ideas - open minded
Being respectful and polite to everyone; ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ used instinctively
A good ‘moral compass’
Showing respect for the possessions of others
Happy with a sense of fun!
Healthy in body and mind; understands emotions and knows when to seek help
A growth mindset including:
-A positive sense of self, their ability to improve and pride in their achievements
-A belief that mistakes are ‘powerful’ as we can learn from them
-Ready for a challenge
-Positive when receiving constructive feedback
A good ability to socialise and make healthy relationships; a good team player
A confident ‘have a go’ attitude
Calm, dealing with conflict appropriately
Curious, with and a love of learning
Independent (e.g. dressing, personal hygiene, organising things they need and in learning!)
Respectful of the natural world, with an understanding of the challenging environmental issues we face
Articulate and confident when speaking, and a good listener
Good concentration
All the details about the drivers behind our curriculum can be seen in the Scheme of Work document attached below.
The Firs' Themes
We identified 4 additional strands of learning we wanted to pursue with our children, to reinforce and compliment the work on the National Curriculum. We have named these strands the Firs' Themes.
Firs’ Theme |
Aims |
(HBM) |
(DM!) |
(OC) |
Knowledge and Skills Maps
We have created Knowledge and Skills maps for our Firs' Themes, science and for each foundation subject, to indicate what we want children to know and be able to do.
This is to ensure that the curriculum is planned and sequenced well, with staff being able to see where the current lesson is rooted in the sequence of learning from the previous year, later in the current year or into the next year.
Below you can download a summary of our Firs' Themes, an explanatory text about how we evolved our curriculum and the Firs Scheme of Work itself.
Planning in the moment
We want children to enjoy their learning and make rapid progress with the acquisition of appropriate knowledge and skills. In designing our curriculum we have taken account of what is deemed as best early years practice. This is why the majority of children’s learning experiences in YR are planned following the ‘Planning in the moment’ principle.
“In the moment” planning is a very simple idea – observing and interacting with children as they pursue their own interests and also assessing and moving the learning on in that moment. The written account of some of these interactions becomes a learning journey.
Through our interactions with children we build a picture of both their interests and the next steps they need to develop their knowledge and skills. We use this information to plan experiences for the children that capture their interest and develop their learning.
The YR Scheme of Work
There are areas of knowledge and key skills that we need to ensure that we build into children's experiences in YR however and these are set out in the Year R Scheme of Work, which is downloadable below.