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School Information

Headteacher's Welcome

Adam J.G. Campbell 

At The Firs, we realise how important it is that your child has a happy and positive start with us in school. If starting at The Saplings or in our Reception class, we realise that these early years are a crucial stage in a child’s education, and it is essential that young children should enjoy their introduction to school and feel secure in the environment provided. Equally if a child joins school in another year group, we work hard to ensure that their transition to our school is a really successful one.

The Firs Lower School is a happy and very caring school, with a dedicated staff, who value children as individuals. We believe a child’s education is a partnership between home and school and welcome parental support and involvement. Children, staff and parents all work hard together to make the school a successful and important part of the community.

We want to help children to develop a positive 'growth mindset,' so they feel confident as a learner, to take on challenges and always aspire to achieve their very best. We encourage the development of creativity and problem solving skills and always stress the importance of working confidently and positively with others. We foster positive social skills and an understanding and appreciation of the needs of other people. We aim to develop pupils physically, intellectually, morally, spiritually and personally and we are passionate about giving each pupil the opportunity to develop his/her own potential.

The children are taught to apply themselves to tasks with increasing independence and to develop a thoughtful and caring set of attitudes and values. By these means, we hope to prepare them for both their future education and life.

If you are interested in sending your child to our school, we would warmly invite you to contact the office, and a member of staff will be more than happy to arrange a time for you to visit us, to see the school and discuss your child’s needs.

Yours sincerely

Adam J.G. Campbell