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Year 3 Faith Tour and 'British Values'

Visiting a Mosque, Gurdwara and a Church

Ensuring that our children have a good awareness and respect for other cultures and faiths is a major aim for us as it is for all schools. It is also a critical part of our efforts to deliver the aims of the Government ‘British Values’ guidance. 


Year 3 have been exploring a range of religious beliefs as part of their R.E. curriculum. In order to support and enhance their learning, they have been on a visit to Queen’s Park in Bedford, where the children participated in a ‘Faith Tour’. Each tour was led by a member of that faith community. The children spent time at All Saint’s Parish Church, Jamia Masjid Gulshane Bagdhad Mosque and Guru Nanak Gurdwara.

"I really liked the Faith Tour. First, we visited a muslin mosque. we went into the prayer room and learned about the five pillars of Islam. 

Then we went to a christian church and learned about different things Jesus did, once he broke a bit of bread and gave it to someone and gave them a sip of wine, he did that for everybody.

Finally we went to the sikh temple and learnt that sihks have lots of different teachings that made the sikh religion."

I really liked the Faith Tour!





We would like to thank each faith community for being so welcoming whilst we were on tour and the parents who accompanied the Year 3 children. The children and adults had a fantastic day and found the whole experience so interesting.  Throughout the day, the children were enthusing about the various tours they had and how much they had learned about the different faiths. We would like to congratulate the children for their behaviour which was a credit to the school and for the searching and thoughtful questions they asked during the day. I would like to say a very big thank you to Mrs Haddon for all her hard work organising an event that has so successfully supported children’s learning and understanding.

Further pictures from this trip can be viewed in our Faith Tour Photo Gallery.