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Free School Meals - Important Update

Central Bedfordshire Council  sets up a local offer over the holiday period to support families with children who are eligible for free school meals.

Dear Parents and carers,

You will be aware of the ongoing debate around the provision of free school meals during the school holiday. We were really pleased to learn today that Central Bedfordshire Council have been working over the last few days to set up a local offer to support families with children who are eligible for free school meals.  They have now set up access to support for parents/carers.  This offer is being delivered through Children’s Centres and will be equivalent to the offer made by the DfE of £15 per week per child.  Those who are eligible will be able to access either supermarket gift cards, e-vouchers or in exceptional circumstances home delivery.

They are asking parents/carers to provide them with their name, home address, names of children and their dates of birth.  To ensure that everyone is safe and socially distanced, they ask that you please call the children’s centre to book a slot before visiting.  Further information can be found here:

For parents/carers not able to get to a centre, alternative means of providing support are available.  Please call the contact centre on 0300 300 8000.

If you are aware of anyone in Central Bedfordshire who is eligible for free school meals, please share this message with them.