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Thank You For Your Support

Raising Funds for Comic Relief's Red Nose Day

Thank you to everyone who supported Red Nose Day and your donations. So far we have raised over £350, plus Gift Aid,  which is greatly appreciated.




Thank you again for your support.

Click here to donate

The Firs Lower Comic Relief, Red Nose Day Donations Page

Friday 18th March is Comic Relief’s Red Nose Day, and we would like everyone, pupils and staff, to support this worthwhile cause by wearing something Red to mark this occasion! This could be a t-shirt, jumper, socks, hair decorations etc.

This year, you will be able to make your donations via ParentPay using the link below, but we will also have a bucket on the gate for any donations the children might like to make.

Please go to our Red Nose Day Page, using the link below. You can also share this link with family and friends, anyone is welcome to contribute towards our fundraising day.



Any money raised by The Firs will help change the lives of disadvantaged children and young people all over the country.

This will be a non-uniform day, and we look forward to seeing the children in Red!

Thank you for your Support