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World Book Day, 2022

Thank you to everyone for your support in providing such fantastic costumes for all the children, it really added to their enjoyment of the day.

On World Book Day, Thursday 3rd March, the school celebrated with everyone, pupils and staff, attending school dressed as a character from one of their favourite books or by bringing a prop relating to the book. 

In Year 4 we read 'Cliffhanger' by Jacqueline Wilson. It is a story about a nine-year-old boy called Tim who goes on a residential adventure holiday - just like we will be doing! It's all about bravery, teamwork, trying your best and making friends. We wrote postcards home as if we were Tim and completed a book review. We also practised our teamwork and balancing skills, completing our own version of 'The Crazy Bucket Race!' It was lots of fun, and we didn't get too wet.


In Year 3 we read ‘The Day The Crayons Quit’ and then the children wrote as if they were one of the crayons and how they were feeling. We then created a piece of abstract art to mimic the colours used in the artwork used at the end of the story.


In Year 2 we were exploring the story of Jack and The Beanstalk. The children got to retell the story working as a team, using puppets, and made maps of the Giant’s Kingdom. The children also enjoyed learning how to use our school library, promoting reading for pleasure.  


In Year 1 we had an exciting day, focused on the story we have been looking at for the last few weeks 'The Tiger Who Came to Tea'. We started off by looking at letter writing, and then writing a letter inviting the Tiger to come to our tea party. We wrote to persuade, and we included wow words to describe the yummy food and added activities that we can do with the Tiger. We then had our very own tea party eating lots of cake, biscuits and fruit! We finished the afternoon by describing our world book day characters and explained why we chose these characters, designed our very own book cover for our favourite book and made our own bookmarks. We read some books the children brought in about their characters too.


In Pine, we really enjoyed World Book Day. We all looked amazing in our costumes! The children introduced themselves (as their character) and spoke about a favourite part of the book to their peers. We then shared some stories over the course of the day. Staff dressed as 'Aliens love underpants' and lots of fun activities were completed by the children. Well done Pine class!


In Saplings, we had a wonderful time and the children were really excited to dress up as a character from a book they love. We also enjoyed visiting the new library too! Children all had the opportunity to visit our new library and the children were very excited to see the new library and have the opportunity to enjoy the lovely environment it creates for reading.


We also held two assemblies, one for KS1 and one for KS2. It was lovely to begin to get back to normal assemblies again and the children really enjoyed seeing each other’s costumes and talking about our favourite book characters.


KS1 Assembly
KS1 Assembly


KS2 Assembly
KS2 Assembly

Thank you to everyone for your support in providing such fantastic costumes for all the children, it really added to their enjoyment of the day.

Please take time to browse our World Book Day Photo Album, you will see so many of the amazing costumes that the children dressed up in.