Black History Month

Thinking about inspirational people such as Mary Seacole, Rosa Parks, Nelson Mandela and Barrack Obama.
October is Black History Month and at The Firs we will be marking the event with activities in each year group, looking at influential and inspirational black men and women from the past, as we have done in previous years.
We launched this focus with an assembly, encouraging the children to think about the important contributions made by inspirational people such as Mary Seacole, Rosa Parks, Nelson Mandela and Barrack Obama.
Well done to all the Year 4s who did such a great job reading the key points about the lives of these influential characters from history.
Over October, each year group will research different aspects around Black History, building on their knowledge and understanding from previous years.
We will share a summary of the work carried out across the school in a future news article, so please check back soon.