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Healthy Eating at The Firs

Thank you for your support, together we can help to keep our children healthy!

The Firs is a Healthy Eating school. We understand the link between a healthy diet and the ability to learn successfully, whilst providing the children with the fuel they need to thrive!

We are very lucky to have our own kitchen and be able to offer the children freshly cooked and balanced meals at lunchtime. We also provide all children in Pine and KS1 a piece of fresh fruit as a snack at break time as part of the School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme.

This term we will be talking to the children about healthy eating and active lifestyles through our PHSE teaching. With this in mind we need your help in ensuring that any snacks that are provided from home for your child to have at break time are healthy. These can be either fruit or vegetables.

Other snacks that are also healthy would be carbohydrates such as breadsticks, rice cakes or malt loaf. Please do not include anything containing nuts. This is to keep our children with allergies safe.

If children are found with snacks that are not healthy e.g. crisps, biscuits, cake, at playtime, they will be asked to put these away to have when they get home or save them for their packed lunch.

If you would like to do some cooking and activities at home to support with our Health Eating initiative, you may choose to take part in the next Healthy Steps Quest – Recipe ideas (scan the QR code). Send us in some photos of your cooking – we’d love to see your delicious and healthy creations.


Thank you for your support, together we can help to keep our children healthy!