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The Firs Lower School Policies

This represents some of our key documents and policies, other policies are available from the school office on request.

Child Protection and Safeguarding

Keeping our children safe is our primary concern, and we review our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy annually to ensure it is in line with the most recent Keeping Children Safe In Education document from the DfE. We use the Local authority model policy as a starting point for our own. For more information follow this link to our Safeguarding Page.

Equality Duty

It is a fundamental belief, at the core of our values, that everyone is equally important and special. It is therefore a central part of our vision for The Firs, that everyone in our community is treated equally and fairly . This is set out in our Equality Policy, which you can find below, along with our Equality Objectives.

Confidential Reporting (Whistleblowing) Policy

As we work with Bedford Borough as our HR provider, we use their local authority Confidential Reporting Policy, which will be reviewed and updated by Bedford Borough where there are any changes in statutory requirements or guidance. The policy in the list below is the current policy.

Behaviour Policy

The way we approach behaviour management is a fundamental element of our core values at The Firs. We are very passionate about creating a caring family atmosphere at our school and providing consistent, fair and well understood behaviour guidance, is a key part of ensuring children feel happy and safe. Our behaviour policy is available below, and you can find out more by visiting our Managing Behaviour web page which is under the 'Our Learning' tab.

Within the Behaviour Policy there is information about our policy for the use of fixed-term suspensions (which is a statutory requirement).

  1. Acceptable Use and E Safety Policy. Spring 2021
    PDF File
  2. Anti-Bullying Policy.doc
    PDF File
  3. Behaviour Agreement KC & Holiday Club.docx
    PDF File
  4. Behaviour Policy.doc (1)
    PDF File
  5. Charging Remissions & Lettings Policy
    PDF File
  6. Charging Remissions and Lettings App A Letting Form
    PDF File
  7. Complaints Against School Governors. Summer 2022
    PDF File
  8. Complaints Form Stage 2, Complaints Policy Appendix B
    PDF File
  9. Complaints Form Stage 3, Complaints Policy Appendix C
    PDF File
  10. Complaints Form Stage 4, Complaints Policy Appendix D
    PDF File
  11. Confidential Reporting, Whistleblowing, Policy. Spring 2020
    PDF File
  12. Curriculum Policy
    PDF File
  13. Determined admissions policy 2025-2026.rtf.pdf
    PDF File
  14. Disability Equality Scheme Accessibility Plan 2021 - 2024
    PDF File
  15. Equality Objectives Autumn 2021- Autumn 2023 - Equality Policy Appendix 1
    PDF File
  16. Equality Policy. Spring 2022
    PDF File
  17. Equality Scheme. Summer 2022
    PDF File
  18. Exclusion Protocols - Behaviour Policy Appendix G
    PDF File
  19. Firs Attendance Policy 2022
    PDF File
  20. Firs Child-on-Child Abuse policy 2023
    PDF File
  21. GDPR Policy. Summer 2022
    PDF File
  22. Home School Agreement. Autumn 2022
    PDF File
  23. Interactions with Parents and Carers, Expectations. Summer 2022
    PDF File
  24. LGPS Discretions Policy
    PDF File
  25. Low Level Concerns Policy
    PDF File
  26. Physical Intervention Policy
    PDF File
  27. Prejudice Related Incidents Policy
    PDF File
  28. Privacy Notice. Summer 2022
    PDF File
  29. Safer Recruiting Policy.doc
    PDF File
  30. Saplings Pre-school Admissions Policy. Summer 2022
    PDF File
  31. Saplings Pre-school Funding and Fee Payment Policy. Autumn 2022
    PDF File
  32. Saplings Pre-school Nappy Changing Policy
    PDF File
  33. Saplings Safeguarding Statement.docx
    PDF File
  34. School Closure Protocol. Autumn 2022
    PDF File
  35. SEND policy 2024.docx
    PDF File
  36. Smart Learners - Looking Smart, Behaving Smart, Working Smart
    PDF File
  37. Staff Safety Protocol v2
    PDF File
  38. Teaching and Learning Expected Practice Guide. Autumn 2021
    PDF File
  39. Teaching and Learning Policy. Spring 2021
    PDF File
  40. The Firs Complaints Policy.doc (1)
    PDF File
  41. The Firs Lower HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICY.docx
    PDF File
  42. The Firs Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy 2023-2024
    PDF File
  43. Vexatious Complaints and Harassment. Summer 2022
    PDF File
  44. Wraparound Care 'Kids' Club' Policy 2022
    PDF File