Year 1
Welcome to Year One!
Welcome back! We hope you all had a good summer break! We hope that the information below is helpful as your child settles into their new class.

Maple Class

Holly Class

Holly Class
Holly Class
Teachers: Mrs Fuller and Mrs Boyes
Maple Class
Teacher: Miss Hamilton, Mrs Baker
Shared Teaching Assistant: Mrs Bell (Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri)
General Reminders…
The children will be doing PE on: Wednesday and Thursdays in Maple class
Monday and Wednesdays in Holly Class
Please wear full PE kit on PE days.
Please provide an old, oversized labelled shirt for messy Art lessons. .
In Pine, you will have been familiar with communicating and receiving updates via Tapestry. Now that your child is in Year 1, we no longer use Tapestry. If you need to speak to one of us, you are welcome to catch us at the end of the day or send us an email, using the details below.
Mrs Fuller:
Mrs Boyes:
Miss Hamilton:
For general queries, please contact the school office.
Please hear your child read as often as you possibly can. When you have read with them, please note down the page they are up to and any relevant comments about how you feel they are getting on with their reading.
Please do not feel that you have to rush through books or read a book a night. A few pages is often enough and it is important that children have time to discuss the meaning of the book as well as being able to read the words.
Spellings will be gradually introduced during this term and Learning logs (covering a variety of subjects) will start after the October half-term. We will provide more details nearer the time.