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Welcome to The Firs Parent Teacher and Friends Association

You are invited...

We are lucky at The Firs Lower School. Not only do we have great support from the school staff, but also from parents and carers. All parents and carers are members of the PTFA and are invited to the Annual General Meeting that is held in the Autumn Term. This is when members are elected to hold a specific office for that year.

Meet The Firs PTFA Team

Co-Chair - Bryony Forsyth and Sima Vaghela

Secretary - Pardeep Uppal 

Treasurer - Dawn Leonard 

Communications and Social Media - Sima Vaghela

General Committee Members

  • Daisy Forman
  • Helen Ketley
  • Kate Adamczyk

What we do...

The Firs PTFA is a registered charity that raises valuable funds and provides (normally refreshment) support for school events. The funds raised are spent enriching the educational and social aspects of the school in a fun and affordable way.

How we do it...

We aim to promote and improve the home / school relationship through school functions, such as termly school discos, Easter Egg Raffle, Quiz Night, Bingo night for the children, Annual Fete and Fun Run, The Family Activity Card and plant sales.

We also support the Christmas plays and concerts and provide a leaving 'do' for the year 4 children and lots more...

What we have bought and done over the last few years...

  • Chromebooks and charging trolleys to support Classroom Learning
  • Clevertouch Display Boards in classes throughout the school
  • Playground equipment
  • Annual Christmas Panto for All children
  • The KS2 Pirate Ship installation
  • Year 4 Garden and Vegetable patch
  • Library Cloud, for cataloguing our New School Library
  • Refurbished many groups rooms throughout the school
  • Gifted Christmas presents for all the class groups each year

Success Chart for the PTFA

Thank you and well done to all who have helped to support the events to make all this possible.

How we keep you informed of events and achievements...

We use the school newsletter to keep everyone updated with news and requests for additional help.

The PTFA makes a real difference to the children and provides an opportunity for parents to get more involved with the fun part of school. It’s a great way to get back into work after some time off as well as make new friends.

It’s a rewarding experience and everyone is welcome.

Please contact the PTFA either via the green post box, school office or email us at

Please see below for our downloadable Minutes from our most recent PTFA meetings.