Year 2
Welcome to Year Two!
Welcome back! We hope you all had a good summer break! We hope that the information below is helpful as your child settles into their new class.
Cedar Class

Beech Class
Staff Beech Class
Teacher: Mrs. Jamieson
Mrs. Casey (covering the class: Thursday PM)
Cedar Class Teacher:
Mrs. Wadsworth
Mrs Finn (covering the class: Thursday PM)
Please hear your child read as often as you can. When you have read with them, please note down the page they are up to and any relevant comments about how you feel they are getting on with their reading in their Fish Book Please let us know if you feel the book is too easy or difficult and we can then re-assess their level. Please don’t feel that you have to rush through books or read a book a night. A few pages is often enough and it’s hugely important that children have time to discuss the meaning as well as being able to read the words. Children read daily as part of their Read, Write, Inc session, but will also be heard once every half term by their class teacher and sometimes additionally by teaching assistants. Please ensure that your child has their Fish Book and reading book in school every day so that they can be heard reading as often as possible.
We will initially be focusing on daily spelling practise, particularly of Year 1 and 2 common exception words, which the children need to be familiar with. We will be testing them first on the Year 1 words and we will send home a highlighted sheet to show how well they did (green means they knew it). In the meantime, at home, we would like you to practise any words not highlighted. The children will practise these spellings either on their arrival in school, or during RWI sessions and they will be tested on these words once a half term or so. We find that practising for a test often only achieves short-term results, and we are keen to focus on consistent spelling practise to gain long-term benefits. When they know the words, they could practise using them in written sentences, using punctuation and adding WOW words - eg. sparkly, happily, marched. - to ‘uplevel’ them.
White Rose Maths
Each block focuses on different topics, during the Autumn Term the children will be learning Place Value to 100, addition and subtraction, 2D and 3D shape including patterns and symmetry. Each lesson begins with a flashback 4, this is information the children have learnt previously, and allows them to practise and consolidate their learning.
To complement what we are learning in school, you could help by encouraging your child to :
- Count forwards and backwards in tens, twos, fives and threes.
- Count in tens starting on any number eg 3, 13, 23, 33, 43 53.
- Find numbers one more and one less from any number to 100.
- Identify odd and even numbers. (Drawing them as pairs of dots can help them to visualise this.)
- Double and halve.
- Add and subtract with numbers up to 30.
- Work on number bonds to 10, 20, 100 eg, 6 and 4, 8 and 2; 17 and 3, 15 and 5; 60 and 40, 10 and 90.
Learning logs will be sent home shortly and the children will be given the chance to choose which order they complete tasks from a home learning zone grid. In addition, when we’ve introduced the children to their spellings, please continue to go through the Year 1 and Year 2 common exception words as often as you are able.
General Reminders…
The children will be doing PE on Wednesday and Thursday in Beech class and Tuesday and Thursday in Cedar class. Please can children come in wearing their PE kits on their selected PE days.
If you have any concerns about your child, please feel free to make an appointment to see us after school – or contact us via email.
Mrs. Jamieson:
Mrs. Wadsworth:
For general queries, please contact the school office
The Year Two Team.