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British Values & our value for the month

To further support our School Values and our promotion of 'British Values',  we think about and celebrate one of our 22 values each month, often linking them with different events and festivals, both locally and around the world.

We look at the value in assembly and in class and we aim to ‘live’ that value in the way we work with others in school.

In June 2024 our value is... Justice and Fairness

Learning about Justice and Fairness

At school, we have explained to the children that justice comes in a variety of forms.  Personal justice means ‘playing fair’ with others, both friends and those we meet on a day to day basis. Social justice means showing concern for others in the community, both local and global.

We are asking parents/carers at home to send in a note if they think their child has demonstrated justice, describing how they demonstrated this value.  We will celebrate some of their achievements in assembly (if they are happy with this).  Examples of justice might be:

  • Making sure they act justly when solving an issue with a friend or sibling.

  • Applying rules (at home/school) as a means of making things fair or just.

  • Speaking out if they see something they view as unjust.

  • Showing concern for injustices in the community and trying to change them, e.g. by deciding to give money to a charity in order to resolve something they perceive as unjust.

What people have said about Justice…

No matter who or what you support, I believe in supporting fairness first.

Jennette McCurdy

I've always seen the Olympics as a place where you could act out your differences on the athletic field with a sense of sportsmanship and fairness and mutual respect. Andrew Young

Fairness is what justice really is. Potter Stewart

Justice cannot be for one side alone, but must be for both. Eleanor Roosevelt

I know, up on top you are seeing great sights. But down at the bottom we, too, should have some rights. Dr. Seuss

Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. Martin Luther King